Discord setup

This step is required to configure Discord and make your Discord server to receive messages from the Gravity Forms submissions.


  • Discord server
  • Administrator access to the Discord Server

Creating a webhook

1. Edit channel screen

The key moment of the Discord integration is to create a webhook. Once complete you will obtain an url of the webhook that needs to be set up in the second step (Forms Setup)

To create a webhook for specific communication channel, simply right click on it and click “Edit Channel”.

Figure 1 – “Edit Channel”

2. Integrations screen: Create a webhook

Finally navigate to the Integrations screen and click on Webhooks.

In this screen click on New Webhook, to add a webhook, it will basically prompt you to setup your bot (optionally).

Figure 2 – “Edit channel” > “Integrations” > “Webhooks”

Finally, once you are done with editing your bot, click “Copy Webhook URL

Figure 3 – “Edit channel” > “Integrations” > “Webhooks” > “New Webhook” > “Copy Webhook URL”

This webhook url will have to be entered in the next steep “Form Setup