License Statuses

Starting from version 1.8.0, license statuses in the Digital License Manager WordPress plugin are categorized into two distinct types:

🔒 Private License Statuses

These are internal statuses that determine how a license behaves in the system and how it’s managed by the admin or plugin logic. Typically, those shouldn’t be adjusted manually in most cases unless there is really valid reason.

  • Active
    Licenses available in stock and ready to be sold. When a customer purchases a product configured to assign licenses from stock, one marked as Active will be used.
  • Inactive
    Licenses that are excluded from any processing or assignment. They are not considered in stock and won’t be used in orders.
  • Delivered
    Licenses that have already been automatically delivered to customers upon purchase but haven’t necessarily been used or activated.
  • Sold
    Licenses that have been sold directly from stock, indicating they are no longer available for other orders.
  • Disabled
    Licenses that have been manually disabled by the admin and are no longer usable or assignable.

🌐 Public License Statuses

These statuses reflect how a license appears in the “My Account” area or how its condition is perceived by customers or integrations. They are derived from the private status and License expiration information (expires_at).

  • Valid
    A license is considered Valid if it has been Delivered or Sold, and it has not expired (based on the expires_at date).
  • Invalid
    A license is considered Invalid if its private status is Inactive or Disabled, meaning it’s unusable or blocked. Licenses can be Disabled for various reasons, for example Refunds.
  • Expired
    A license is Expired if it was Delivered or Sold, but its expiration date (expires_at) has passed.